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Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

No need to say sorry  @Burnt 

I think we were underinsured,  so the insurance company decided this way would be better 

But I see now the costs of everything is Sooo crazy 

We had one demolition  quote soo far , and no way , took dear 


Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

You are an example of fortitude @Shaz51 🙂

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

@Shaz51 could the insurance company give you the names of contractors who they use?  Also I Wonder if it would be cheaper for you to sell the land and buy established or are there too many memories to leave behind.

wishing you well on this new journey 🌺


Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Bushfires destroyed 100's of houses here in Perth (this week) @Shaz51 

Wow, you are amazing to have been through so many Cyclones.

I've not seen the Aftermath of a Cyclone - Since I was in Darwin NT after Cyclone Tracy (1978?).


Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Hope the fires were not near you @Adge  this week 


Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

No not near me @Shaz51 

The Smoke haze spread for more than 30 km in every direction.

Smoke came into my house - strong smell affected my breathing.

Ash rained down on my car - while I was driving to shops.


Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones


Hi Shaz,


Just responded to Apple's note where she had mentioned a more suitable thread for weather/extreme weather comments.


Thank you



Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones

@Appleblossom @Alwayshope @Anastasia  @AussieRecharger @Bezak482 @bipolarbunny @BlueBay @Burnt @Clawde @Daisydreamer @Dani1981 @Darcy @Determined @Dimity @Emelia8 @Frangipani1 @frog @grayhorn @greenpea @girasole @Mazarita @outlander  @pipinya @Shaz51 @Smc @Snowie @TheVorticon @TideisTurning

Hello Everyone


I am partially back in the realm of communications. This evening, I got a generator going, so I have a lamp and the fridge is on again. Fortunately, I have satellite internet, because radio, landline phone and satellite comms are all that are working. No mobile phone, TV programs (no signal), or power. Radio broadcasts are being received. I have heard unofficially, that it could be a few weeks before power is available. Not so much a distribution problem, but rather the inventory of houses that require repairs before it is safe to resume power supply distribution. Most of the information we are getting is through SES and Fire Service personnel who have come from a variety of locations, including Perth, to assist with temporary 'roof tarping' and removal of trees on roads, laneways and private property for access and safety.


As usual, it is awe-inspiring to see people coming from other locations and assisting with temporary repairs, clearing roads and lanes, etc.


A bus transported people who wished to evacuate to another centre at midday Sunday. I stayed at home with Kirra, my dog.

Sunday night, I was writing a note on the forum when the power went out. Most people in town reported getting very little if any sleep on Sunday night. There was a fairly strong wind in the afternoon. The air was very still in the evening. The storm hit, where I live, sometime before midnight and lasted for about 5 hours. Fortunately, there has only been a small amount of misty drizzle since Monday morning, consequently, very little damage has occurred after the storm. However, some people in town had most of their rooves blown off during the storm and have had ceilings drop and other significant water damage.


My house had one sheet of roofing iron blown off and ten, that were bent back butterfly style, will need to be replaced. Two, also, from the workshop at the back. The fences on two sides were blown down or bent beyond repair. Some heavy branches were blown off the two beautiful 10 metre high 'ghost gums' at the back damaging one wall of the workshop in the process.


Homes closer to the coast at Kalbarri and Northampton were hit harder. Apparently, 70% of the homes at Kalbarri suffered extensive damage, with as many as half of those, reported (unofficially) as requiring demolition or very extensive repairs.


This note is to say that I am back to the forums and have come out of the experience with significantly less damage than many, for which I am very thankful.


Best Wishes

Henry X

Re: Climate Disasters ---- Cyclones


Sounds terrifying.  Glad you and your dog are safe and your house not totally wrecked. 


Just letting @Former-Member know that I did not recieve tag for your post and therefroe others may not have received it either.


I have only a romaticised idea of living in country and through such an event.  RESPECT.  

Keep letting us know how things go.
