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Bushfire Community Ambassador

The busy period

well, this week has been busy! 

I hosted Christmas, last minute! 

I am socially exhausted- love all my family and glad I can spend Christmas with them. But boy is my social energy gone! 

Mum car has been broken down for quite a while... waiting on new keys to finally get it fixed. As lost my keys... my husband car is now having serious problems again! We only brought it in September and a week later the engine blew up. $20,000 car!!!! Engine fixed and more problems now... I can’t believe it. What the heck. 

I am nervous about tomorrow, as the 30th was the last day I was with my treasured stuff. Tomorrow is emotional for me, the next few days are. And we are down two cars! 

Argh. Argh argh. Classic 2020. 


Re: The busy period

@Burnt  I’m sorry you are facing a difficult anniversary. I will be thinking of you, sending 💕💕💕


The silly season is behind you, hopefully, so maybe some rest. The car must be frustrating, to say the least. 😡😡


I hope there is something nice you can do over the next few days.


Take care. ❣️❣️

Re: The busy period

Hi @Burnt hearing you re anniversary.

And cars! Can't live without them but what a money pit.

Hope you're getting some breathing space post Christmas.

Take care.

Bushfire Community Ambassador

Re: The busy period

Thanks @frog 

the car situation has just got worse and worse 🤬🤬 

ah. Cars. 

Bushfire Community Ambassador

Re: The busy period

Hey @Burnt I hope your anniversary wasn’t too difficult. It’s such an unusual feeling, isn’t it? Bittersweet, because we’re safe, but still so severely impacted. How are you going a few days on?
Bushfire Community Ambassador

Re: The busy period

@YouAreNotAlone  I am ok! Busy busy. Not enough time to even think- but things feel postive and better. You know? 

Bushfire Community Ambassador

Re: The busy period


Glad you’re okay! At least being busy keeps your mind busy too, but I hope you also have time for self care!

I’m alright. Burnt out as heck still. Just wish I could do more to help people affected by the fires still 😞