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Big Week

Good afternoon all,


I am having a busy week this week, compared to my last couple of months being stuck at home with a respiratory infection. 


Today, I left the house and went to a different suburb. I was taken through all these different places that I had no idea existed. It was heavenly to get out of the house. I have had cabin fever so badly, not that I think that you could have cabin fever in a good way. I took advantage of looking out of the car window and seeing different trees, gardens, strange architecture and interesting shops. Most people probably wouldn't notice those little things, but it is amazing how much it meant to me to experience something different other than what happens in these four walls.


I had an appointment with my psychiatrist, but because I was early, I had time to sit in a cafe and drink a cappucino, a real treat for me. My doctor gave me helpful advice, things that I need to do to get over this rough patch. I am going to be going through a change of antidepressants. That will have to be a slow and steady process and may bring back suicidal ideation. Hopefully not though. I like my shrink because he always has another option to help me cope with my symptoms better. It gives me hope when I think that I have tried everything.


This afternoon, I have to see my psychologist. She's great, supportive, and really helps me to work on the difficult stuff. 


So emotionally a big day, but also I am used to just seeing my psychologist once a week and nothing else happening.


Tomorrow I am catching up with my GP, and hopefully he can help me sort my wild hormones. I am menopausal and haven't been able to get my hormone replacement therapy medication for a few months now, a shortage apparently. 


Three appointments in one week is a lot more than I am used to, but it's all part of self care and I am proud of myself that I am doing it.


I don't feel proud of myself very often at all, but my psychologist tells me to take note of all my achievements no matter how big or small. I think that it helps me reset my mind to a more positive track. "I'm not all bad" sort of thing.


Well, had better get ready for that appointment.


I hope that everyone is finding some joy in their lives today.


Re: Big Week

Thanks for posting @Katz42 ! Sure sounds like a big week/day! 


Woohoo to you for pushing through. 


I'm glad you've taken time to enjoy even the smaller things in life.


I find that when I consider all the blessings in my life, I end up feeling quite uplifted. Even if it's that the grass is so green, or the sun is shedding some warmth on the land 🙂


This is what warms my heart.


You may be interested in these 2 threads:

1) hRe: Daily Achievements! 

2) Gratitude practice 

Re: Big Week

Hi @Katz42  Im so proud of you. you are not at all. Hope these days will fly soon... And you will be alright.

Re: Big Week

Thankyou @tyme and @Tilz for the threads (I will check them out another time, I definitely will) and also thanks a bunch for the encouragement and praise for something that felt hard to me. 😁


I always try to see the yin and the yang of things, sometimes it is better that it's more yin and at other times it's more yang. There is always the option of reversing my thoughts about things and coming out feeling okay and balanced. ☯️


I have been using a gratitude app on my phone where I record what I can feel grateful for, every day, but I will check the thread.🙏


Been sitting with my thoughts for too long, but thanks to this forum, I am not feeling as angry and upset as when I turned on my computer.


Take care

'til next time...

Re: Big Week

You have every right to feel angry and upset after your BIG day today. @Katz42 


I'm glad a little sharing here on the forums has helped.


Hope you rest up and have a good night. 


A bit chilly on my side!

Re: Big Week

@Katz42  Love to hear.. So how are the days going ? Winter is close by isn't it?