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Drowning and Deterioration

I’m 32 and autistic with adhd (no formal supports yet as still getting reports to have my own Ndis plan) I have 3 children who are very boisterous and also autistic (2 of which are also adhd’ers) . All 3 children have pda profile, partner is in a mental illness crisis as of late with his anxiety. (I still strongly think he was a missed childhood autism diagnosis also but he is in denial of it being possible) since lockdowns my nervous system has been in trauma mode from added stress financially as rent has risen , food costs more , bills overwhelm us and with loss of income since pandemic I have not yet found a position that works around all our accommodations and needs and I have no idea how to plan moving my life forward. For my own health it is so important I see specialists for all my hormonal issues , and adrenal dysfunction as it’s made me feel so upset that even living on salad and exercising a few times a week and walking daily I can’t lose weight , my health is making me suffer chronic inflammation making me look moon faced and swollen all over and I feel like I’m constantly pouring out all my mental and physical energy for everyone but no one to help me get a break and look after me. I can’t afford a baby sitter , I can’t use Ndis support hours for baby sitting so I can get time to go to appointments and have a little break and I don’t know what to do. All my issues require money but I can’t leave the kids anywhere because not even my parents are being helpful this holidays and I’m so run down. 


Re: Drowning and Deterioration

Hugs @NeurospicyPixie ,


I hear you. It sounds like a very difficult space you are sitting in right now.


Having children home all holidays can be a challenge for any parent, let alone having so little support.


If you feel you need to speak to someone, you are welcome to phone our drop-in line on 1800 187 263. They are available Mon-Fri 10am-10pm. They may be able to support your emotional wellbeing at this stressful time.


There are other members here if you want to have a chat with them. You can visit Share a cuppa? for some time out.


Please take care. Good on you for reaching out.

Re: Drowning and Deterioration

This feels like a weird thing to say but, that's a lot of autism. I guessing everyone's living unique spectrum perspectives. Also wondering what kind of shared languages happen where those spectrum perspectives intersect.


Wishing you well on NDIS applications. Wondering what support possibilities are available for your children's needs. These combined make me imagine a lot of paperwork. Continuing to think out loud the right NDIS provider or mix of providers (depending on your local landscape) would make big impact in all those areas. Whatever your situation specifics, I wish you synergy.

Re: Drowning and Deterioration

Hey @NeurospicyPixie 


Thank you for sharing what you're feeling at the moment, that sounds challenging and I am sitting with you while you're feeling like this ❤️


I just wanted to reply to your post and say that you're doing the best in the situation that you are in right now. I wish you luck with the NDIS applications, and I hope that this all works out for you. You seem so strong, and you're doing so well. 


Please reach out to our drop in line if you need, and also maybe have a poke around the forums and chat on some different threads if you ever have a couple minutes spare. It is amazing what connection with others that are willing to listen can do. 


All the best,
