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Community Lead

Support for Juliet2

Dear All,


I'd like to open this space for @Juliet2  to share some of what is going on for them.


Feel free to add in your support! This is what community is about 🙂


Re: Support for Juliet2

Hey @Juliet2 ,


I'm sorry to hear you are going through such a tough time right now. Not sure if you want to give anyone some context here so that they know how to better support you?


No pressure of course.


Prompts include:

1) What brought you to the forums?

2) What do you hope to achieve from the forums?

3) What are you currently doing to help yourself?

4) Do you currently have any supports in place?


Also tagging some of our wonderful members @Former-Member @Asgard @Tilz @MermaidHair @Shaz51 @NatureLover @Snowie @Zoe7 

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hello and welcome @Juliet2 

Letting you know that you are not alone my friend ❤️

Sitting with you if you like to have a chat 

@tyme is here 

And I see you have talked to @Lavender and @Snowie 

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hey @Juliet2 Welcome to the community 🌞

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hi @Juliet2, great to have you here 🙂


Hope your day has been going better. We're hear for a chat whenever you need. 🌻☀️



Re: Support for Juliet2

Hi @Juliet2 how are you

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hello @Juliet2, welcome to the forums 👋 I am glad you're here!


Hope you find some connection and comfort here and we are always up for a chat 💜



Re: Support for Juliet2

Hi @Juliet2 


How are you today, read your interactions with @Snowie @Max33 @lavenderhaze you have got a lot going on in your life at the moment, maybe your head is full of jumbled thoughts, but thats ok.  Just start explaining where ever you wish, whats going on.  Talking is the start of the recovery, and from my own experience finally talking about it, lifts a huge weight from your shoulders.  So give us a try,  there are many and I mean many shoulders here for you to lean on.  Please take care of yourself 🙂



Not applicable

Re: Support for Juliet2

Hey there @Juliet2  🙂 🌺

PinkFlamingo here, one of the Peer Guide Volunteers here on the Forums. 

There's great support, compassion and care here on the threads, with lots of understanding and empathy 💜

Re: Support for Juliet2

I find it easier to talk in response to questions like this sorry, but my head is pretty full!


1) What brought you to the forums?

I don't want to feel alone, I want to talk with someone that understands the reality, but no one ever truly will. I want to feel connected & understood

2) What do you hope to achieve from the forums? I'm not really sure yet, I'm not sure forums feel right for me atm, I need to see who I'm speaking to before I truly open up, and I suspect that could take years. I guess I'll see how it flows

3) What are you currently doing to help yourself?

Trying to keep busy and distracted, I actually just want to cry and let everything out

4) Do you currently have any supports in place?

Some, I'm selective with who I speak with. I've got a good GP, but I think it will take a bit to build the team around me i need. I'm not simple or straightforward, I think even the best of the best would run away from me!