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Caring Post School

Hello, Im new here. I am my daughters full time carer, she is reliant on me for all aspects of daily living.  Im finding it difficult now that she has finished school, as I have lost the freedom I had whilst she attended school.  Im just wondering how people have overcome this who are in a similar situation?  I do have a support worker who takes her out a couple of times a week, but i spend that time running errands and attending appointments, by the time thats done I only get an hour or 2 for myself.


Re: Caring Post School

I'm hearing you @GreenThumb . I've worked as a disability and inclusion specialist in schools and this is a common experience for carers. 


One thing that has been helpful is to get them involved in day programs. This is where they have allotted days to go out on a bus, and engage with the community. This has shown to be very beneficial for their mental health and wellbeing. 


I've also spoken to the young people themselves, and they absolutely love the programs.


Have you contacted your local council to see if they have any such programs available?

Not applicable

Re: Caring Post School

Hi @GreenThumb @tyme 


I agree with tyme suggestions

Find local activities

It sounds like you are facing a new schedule. it takes time.


Re: Caring Post School

Also, as part of the school transition into the adult world, were you provided with any services or numbers you could contact post school? @GreenThumb - for example, services that could help with supported employment, community engagement etc?


Rather than a state level, these things are done on a local council level. Hence, I can't really even name some of the services I know of as they may not be applicable to you.

Re: Caring Post School

Hi @GreenThumb , How are you? Have you looked into any supports for your or your daughter?


We are sitting with you.

Re: Caring Post School



Yes, I have started having a look around today, haven’t made contact with any as yet, would like to spend a bit more time browsing their websites.  Thank you for responding.  😊


Re: Caring Post School

hi @GreenThumb i like @tyme  idea of finding activities such as group activities. i would also encourage you to look into respite options. as a carer myself you are able to access respite options.
Perhaps having a look into applying for ndis for your daughter, has this been mentioned to you before? if she gets approved she can get access to ndis groups and activities, her own supports (paid via ndis rather then privately), help around the home, assistive technology is required, transport and allied health services funded through ndis