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Re: 🤷‍♂️ boundaries

Checking in - how are you going! 
Two of my step children have recently been diagnosed, and I’m a trigger. So I relate ++ to you. 💕 take care 

Re: 🤷‍♂️ boundaries

Hi @Hibiscus1 @Topsy-turvy1 ,


I hear you both. I’ve been banned from places in the past because of my BPD rage.


Sad as it is, but I was always kept in the Acute care unit as an inpatient because I was so high  risk.


SH was my way of coping. To people around, SH was a way of telling them I needed help. Yet I was too afraid to receive help. In my early 20s, I now know I was y ready to be helped. I think I wasn’t sick enough of being sick - yet.


But a decade later, things came to a head. It was do or die. I’d either throw myself into therapy or through myself into death. 

As a last resort, I myself reached out. I’m the past everyone else reached out for me. But this time, I did it. And this was the beginning of my recovery.


Its been a long road, but totally worth it. However, it was a road I needed to travel myself. I had to take charge of my own recovery, and not anyone else. I had to be ready. So in my 30s, by recovery started.


All the best.

Re: 🤷‍♂️ boundaries

How are you @Hibiscus1 ?

Re: 🤷‍♂️ boundaries


thank you for asking 


I’ve been struggling - I’m trying to figure out how I can keep living with my step son, and protect myself emotionally. 

seems words like …. ‘His behaviours’ and ‘manipulative behaviours’ - are problematic.

I do understand he has BPD, but I feel his choices are more than BPD.


what’s acceptable behaviours? When you look on FB groups etc, and see parents living with violence, theft and abuse +++ I Think I must be lucky? 🤷‍♂️ 


we don’t have that - but we have a constant low level aggression ….. which builds to a crisis. 


Life’s tricky. 


Re: 🤷‍♂️ boundaries

Ohhh @Hibiscus1 , hugs to you,


I know I used to rage and could have potentially hurt someone, but I didn’t. There’s no excuse for aggression and violence. Yes, the emotional pain can be unbearable for a borderline that they go to extremes to ‘numb the pain’, but you need to make sure you are safe.


My heart goes out to you,
