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Looking for recommendation

So glad to have joined this forum. Does anyone have any successful experience supporting your loved one diagnosed with BPD? Any personality disorder specialist clinic which has been effective for your loved one? Looking for one for my 21yr old daughter. We are in the south east. Thanks much.


Re: Looking for recommendation

Hey @Persevere 

Glad you found us here at the forums. We have some useful information here...Borderline personality disorder (BPD) ( and Families, friends & carers ( 

I personally have not had experience with BPD, I hope you find the forums successful and the information handy.

A forum tip, if you press the @ function a list of names will pop up, select the name/s you wish to tag, and they will be notified.

Re: Looking for recommendation

There’s an excellent resource called The Last Symptom podcast by Brian Barnett which has taught me a lot.  Your daughter might find it helpful.  There’s also a website of the same name.


Re: Looking for recommendation

Hi there!


I was diagnosed with BPD last year August abs what really helped me abs might also help your daughter to is ‘The BPD Bunch’. They have a podcast and Instagram page and the people that speak/share on there are considered in recovery (not meeting the criteria) there is a lot of support on there for loved ones and I found it a safe space to learn more and feel connected. 

Also I’d suggest DBT if your daughter hasn’t already started it. It’s been super helpful and I do this alongside  my therapy sessions. There’s a lady based in Canberra who runs sessions in person and via zoom if you’d like any info.


Its great to see you’re wanting to support your daughter.




Re: Looking for recommendation

@ray_of_sunshin3 @Thank you for taking the time to share. My daughter completed DBT about a year ago. At the moment, I am trying to source for a therapist that would fit with her and so far it has been a hit and miss. She is going to start therapy in the new year and hopefully this will be the one for her. Meanwhile, will check out the resource you have kindly shared. 

Re: Looking for recommendation

Great to hear an update @Persevere !


All the best. Do you have supports for yourself as well? I recognise it can be so hard at times as a carer of someone with BPD.