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Trigger Warning: Cptsd and living undiagnosed

Unsure if I am posting in the right spot. 


TW: Self-Harm, Abuse


Content/trigger warning
I am new here I am female 33 years old spent time in and out of facilities due too self harm [edited by moderator] and earlier on general mental health. My symptoms were always managed until an event that happened six years ago I was kept captive in my own living area controlled by an abuser that used drugs heavily a lot of the events I cannot remember mostly just the mental abuse but I just can't live with the anxiety I'm always on edge has anyone here tried eye movement desensitization and did it work for them I want too be able too move on completely from this event so I can manage my other symptoms better and I'm sick of damaging relationships due too self medication. Please tell me I am not alone?



Re: Cptsd and living undiagnosed

Hey @Misscptsd, thank you for sharing your experiences with the Forums community!


You are not alone here, and we are a community of peers supporting each other, our experiences may be similar or share elements that are similar but not necessarily the same. You are demonstrating your resilience and strength by reaching out to your peers here on the Forums.


I personally can relate to self-medicating as that is part of my journey with mental health. How are you going now with self-medicating, and do you want to change that or receive some support or referrals? There are other great places to share your experiences and connect with other Members if you would like to check them out from the previous post: Looking for a space to connect with others? Find a... - SANE Forums


The Mental Health Foundation Australia has a anxiety support group that you might find beneficial if you can attend online. Anxiety Support Group (


Thanks again for sharing your experiences here!


Take care





Re: Cptsd and living undiagnosed

Hi @Misscptsd 

Welcome to the Sane forums.


I'm sorry you have gone through all that you have. It certainly is not easy. I too have cptsd amongst other diagnosis and am medicated. You are certainly not alone.

I've been doing emdr with my psych for quite awhile now. I won't say it has been easy, but I have noticed an improvement on the events that we have worked on. I have taken a break from it at the moment just to work on some issues that have come up. But it is something that I will go back too.


What sort of supports have you got around you at the moment?


Looking forward to getting to know you better.


Re: Cptsd and living undiagnosed

Hello and welcome to Sane forums @Misscptsd 😊


No,  you are certainly not alone. I am really sorry for what you have experienced.


I also am diagnosed with cptsd and have been treated with EMDR as well as prolonged exposure therapy. I feel that both treatments have been helpful. But the emdr was less traumatic, if that makes sense?


Please ensure your therapist is fully trained and experienced in emdr for trauma, that you trust them and feel comfortable with them. 


It takes time and patience. But hopefully you will find that emdr 'takes the edge off' things,  especially the emotional aspects of your trauma experience. 


I hope that helps. 


Emelia 🌷

Re: Trigger Warning: Cptsd and living undiagnosed



You are never alone. Please reach out when need to.

It is great to already see responses here to your question.


If you search the forum and enter keywords... you will find many conversations around the topics that are meaningful for you. 


You are resilient and will find answers. Be gentle with yourself.



Re: Trigger Warning: Cptsd and living undiagnosed

Hi @Misscptsd 


Thank you very much for trusting the SANE Community with your story. 


The fact that you have taken the step to reach out is essential to your emotional healing, and is something to be extremely proud of. Moreover, your acknowledgment of the risks of self-medication to both your health and personal relationships is something that is also to be commended. 


While exposure to traumatic experiences can affect people in different ways it commonly induces anxiety, hyper-vigilance, and feelings of mistrust. These conditions and behavioral patterns are evident in many people challenged by CPTSD (including those with a similar lived experience to your own), and require their on-going management to address. Your post indicates that you are very much aware of this and that your are ready to implement your own wellbeing program. 


Lastly, and while not detracting from the significant challenges that were raised in your post, I believe that emotional healing, more than most actions, is a pathway to your recovery. In this regard, being able to process your hurt will enable you to 'reset' and to set aside the feelings and thoughts that are holding you back. The following links provide an introduction to two therapies that you might find helpful, and as a counsellor-in-training I give considerable credence to.


Stay strong, knowing that you have requisite skills, personal strengths, and knowledge base to successfully meet your current challenges.