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Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi - new to forum.

I have a husband of 14 years who has been struggling with depression and severe anxiety with panic attacks since a workplace physical injury in 2011.

Its getting worse lately and I dont know what to do to help him anymore.

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi @Jo75 and welcome to the forums 😊


My name is Rhye and I'm one of the online peer support workers at SANE. Caring for a loved one with mental health complexities can be difficult, particularly when we feel lost to know how to support them, so my thoughts go out to you 💛

I'm wondering whether your husband has any mental health support in place i.e. a psychologist, psychiatrist or a trusted GP? It's so hard to go it alone when things are tough, particularly if there are signs that suggest your loved ones mental health may be deteriorating.

I'd also like to offer the space here for you to feel supported, because walking this path alongside a loved one can be exhausting at times, and our own health can be neglected as a result. To that, I'd like to leave a suggestion with you – at SANE we offer free counselling to friends, family and carers of people living with complex mental health issues. The service is anonymous and staffed by qualified counsellors who will provide you with free phone and online counselling, support, information and referrals (which might be handy for you and your husband).

It's really commendable that you've made your first step in reaching out for support today. I know it's such an old saying but a problem shared really can be a problem halved, so I hope you find the community to be a supportive and beneficial place.

We also have a team of Community Guides, who I will tag here, who are amazing at providing peer support:
@Anastasia  @AussieRecharger  @BPDSurvivor  @Faith-and-Hope  @HenryX  @jem80  @Judi9877  @NatureLover  @outlander  @Shaz51  @ShiningStar  @Snowie  @Hams  @wellwellwellnez  @Zoe7  @Aniela  @Boo13  @CrazyChick  @maddison  @pinklollipop15  @Eve7 

Go well today, @Jo75 and please feel free to tag a moderator like this @moderator if you need a hand navigating the forums.

Rhye ☘️

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂


it’s great to have found somewhere to connect with people experiencing similar issues. My 15 year old daughter has now gone through with 2 suicide attempts and we feel that she is contemplating another attempt until she is successful. The impact on her siblings is substantial. Hoping to chat with anyone in this forum who is in a similar situation. 

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi 👋 I am a newbie and want to introduce myself- Shaggy 😊

Recently I have come to understand that I have done it tough- alone. I want to reach out to everyone else who is finding life difficult so that we can connect.

 I am sure that I am not alone in my painful experience and want the advice of others. 
I have reached a stage in my life where I really don’t think I have anymore to give.


Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Welcome @Shaggy @EA747 @Jo75 !


It’s so great to have you join us.


@Shaggy , connection is so important. It made a marked difference to my recovery. As you browse around the forums, I hope you can connect with others who can share your story.


We are all here to share our experiences. Do you have any particular areas of interest in terms of the connection you are looking for?


When tagging members, use ‘@’ in front of their names so that they receive a notification of your response. A drop-down lost of names will appear.



Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hi tyme, I am just about done with my son. I need support let him walk out of my life without chasing after him.

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂


Fun facts: I love swing dancing, and I raise and photograph caterpillars and other creatures


I am the unrecognised carer of a 32 yo transgender daughter who has multiple diagnoses, the latest of which is autism spectrum disorder. She lives with me. There are so many issues in our daily lives that I've been dealing with for many years, with as much empathy and compassion that I can muster. I've been applying every understanding and approach that I can find to support her and to ease the situation and challenges. Sadly, today I reached a limit and am reaching out for support.  

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Hello and hugs @EA747 , @Shaggy , @metamorphosis 

Letting you know that you are not alone my friends

@metamorphosis , what other diagnosis has she has xx 

Tagging @Molly22 

Sometimes it is hard to find that right balance and remember we as carers need to look after ourselves to look after afters 

This thread Carers Hints and tips to Success  is good to click onto 

And also  Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope ) 

@tyme , @Daisydreamer , @Former-Member , @greenpea , @Anastasia , @Faith-and-Hope 

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

Thank you Shaz. I have been made to feel very welcome and understood in spite of my initial emotional 'dump' on everyone. 

I reached an 'Ah ha' moment last weekend after speaking with a SANE counsellor on the phone. The relief I feel from being allowed to 'let go' is wonderful. It's a very hard thing to do but the benefits to my entire family (especially my son) are worth it. 🙂 So wonderful to know that I am not the only mother who has ever had to do this.

Re: Welcome to the Friends, Family and Carers Forum! Introduce yourself here 🙂

@Shaggy I'm so glad you found the SANE counsellors helpful.


Hold on to it, and it will help you through the tough times. 


It's great to see you connecting with our awesome friends here @Shaz51 

