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Re: Father's Day grief

@MJG017 sometimes I get carried away with how many people I have appointments with and how many workshops I can do, and just like you, I get overwhelmed. So I have now learnt to take it slow. My healing journey has been a long one, as it  seems to take a while before suggestions or things I have learned, to stick in my head and remember what I was taught. But this last month or so, I feel like something in me has shifted and I now have a bit of hope that one day, I will recover from my MH issues.


The main thing doing my head in at the moment is I can't get a place of my own to live. I have applied for public housing, and was told last week that it will be a 10 year wait. I have been living out of bags since February when I left my partner after we had a fight and he said some very nasty things,  that Ican't shake out of my head. I went and stayed at my mums for a while, but came back to the cabin to sort and donate my stuff that is still here. But in the meantime, my niece has moved into the bedroom that I was staying in at my mum's, so now I have nowhere to sleep. So I am stuck with the ex. He wants to make a go of the relationship, but we tried to go to couples counselling and after our first joint session and then an individual session, we were told that we both needed individual counselling first. And then once that is done, we can move forward to couples counselling.  But at this stage he went to one session and that was it. I have told him if he is not prepared to make the effort to help himself, then we have no chance as a couple. But he is my previous abuser, so if he drinks, I need somewhere else to go. So I am feeling a bit stuck. I have been told to go down the domestic violence side of things to get a house sooner, so I need to look into that soon. 

Re: Father's Day grief

@Mustang67 ,


Yeah, reaching out on the forums has really helped me consolidate things in my life. I found it gives me clarity. 


Also, I'm so much better at articulating myself in writing than speaking.

Re: Father's Day grief

@tyme I would much prefer to write than speak as well. I feel by writing it, rather than speaking it, as I type the words, I am releasing a little bit of the hold it has over me. 


I apologise if I over share. My replies a very long sometimes.  Lol

Re: Father's Day grief

Totally agree with you @Mustang67 . I find it a lot more therapeutic. 


When I speak, I feel I'm speaking like a rocket shooting through space and then I feel all "yuck" because I sounded like a goof.