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Gratitude practice

Hey ya'll, 

I just wanted to make a post to ask what you are feeling grateful for this week. 

I'll start: 

my girlfriend is knitting me a jumper for the approaching autumn 
I've got book club tonight 
My mental health is being managed well this month


Re: Gratitude practice

@Jasper_123  great topic!


I do find the whole gratitude thing hard to pratice but I can see the value in it and changing of mind set to look at things from a growth and positive perspective.


On that note hmm for today mine are


The support I receive from my husband to make sure I have all the things I need including lunch before he goes and lays down to sleep for his night shift at work later this afternoon. 


Grateful for accepting study is going to be hard at times but I can do it.


It is sunny today and the rain has stopped.


Savvy marketplace buying.😁

Re: Gratitude practice

@Jasper_123 I'm grateful to know how to capitalise and navigate the cosmic waves with astrology and take advantage of all kinds of opportunities as they present themselves to me. I've gone back to a book today that activates your crystalline genome to bring forth your dormant qualities by restructuring DNA.

Re: Gratitude practice

Thanks for asking @Jasper_123. Gratitude is such a great practice!


I am grateful for my partner having a great understanding of and care for me.

I am grateful that I've been overcoming a lot lately with socialising and getting out of my comfort zone.

I am grateful that my kids are thriving.

I am grateful that the sun rises and sets each day, its beautiful 😊

Re: Gratitude practice

Thank you @Jasper_123, this is a wonderful topic!


This week I am grateful for:


  • My dogs
  • My home
  • My culture and my family
  • Being here and present
  • (kind of) being on top of all of my commitments, including study





Re: Gratitude practice

good afternoon @HelloKitty1981 , @SmilingGecko , @MermaidHair , @Jasper_123 , @defaultusername 


we also have a thread called GRATITUDE for you to click on too 😁


This week I am grateful for:

my home 



how about you @Xibon , @Blackbird11 , @Jynx , @tyme , @Former-Member , @amber22 , @TideisTurning , @RiverSeal , @Paperdaisy , @hanami 




Re: Gratitude practice

This week I am grateful for my crystals 


@Shaz51 @Jasper_123 @defaultusername @MermaidHair @HelloKitty1981 

Not applicable

Re: Gratitude practice

Hey @Shaz51  thanks for the tag 🙂💜🌺

I’m thankful I have food to eat this fortnight, that I can heat/cool the house with tolerable limits, I can put enough petrol in the car, and that the roof leaks aren’t too terrible when it rains. I’m thankful I can budget well, and I’m thankful for the functional capacity (medically and physically) I have left which enables me to study and engage on the forums 💜🙂🌺

I’m also thankful I haven’t had a fall so far today… hoping to reduce the bruise count hehe😀🙌🏻


Re: Gratitude practice

This week I am grateful for my support network, I wouldn't be where I am today without them.

Thanks for the tag @Shaz51 

Re: Gratitude practice

I'm grateful for my bedless bed @Captain24  *wink wink.


I slept in my niece's bed last night and I HATED it!