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Something’s not right

Re: I don’t feel right

@Patchworks  i have a psychologist but i dont see her until the end of the next week. i am trying to find a way to take the meds and not be so scared but i havent managed to take them yet tonight but we will see. 


@Dimity my case manager would have to talk to me for that and he never will. my support workers are still helping. and i am getting a bit more sleep so that is good at least but yeah idk i am still not doing great and i am behind on uni and ugh everything is kind of falling apart anyway i am trying i just dont really know how to fix things. 

Re: I don’t feel right

@Eden1919 it's good you're getting a bit more sleep.

With your treatment order up for renewal  I wonder can you talk to your gp about the meds or do you have to go through your case manager? 

Fingers crossed for you 






Re: I don’t feel right

@Dimity  i have to go through my case manager about anything to do with psych meds. 





i am not sure if i should attend the treatment order hearing or not idk if i can deal with listening to the drs talk about me like that. i really dont know what to do anymore i am feeling like trash the last few days and i just i cant manage to do anything i need too and i am trying my best but i cant keep up and everything is just too much. i cant even explain everything that is going on. 

Re: I don’t feel right

Hi @Eden1919,


Sounds like you are going through some tough times while also needing to make an important decision about attending the treatment order hearing. Do you have someone to talk with about this?


You know the forums are not a counselling service, but it can be helpful to reach out and talk about this in order to make the best decision for you. 


Here are some numbers for support services in case you need them:

Lifeline 13 11 14 

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659467  

Beyond Blue Support Service 1300 22 46 36

Samaritans 135 247

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