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Something’s not right

Re: My Mosaic

Good morning @Bow 

I meant to say yesterday that it was great seeing you on PGC Thursday night. I know it moves really fast at times. Sometimes I struggle to keep up with the pace of it all. You did a really good job.


I hope today goes well for you. They have called of our local market for tomorrow because of the weather. Looks like it is going to get worse again. On a positive note, they have had lots of snow!!

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Good afternoon @Snowie 


@thanks for your kind words. PGC does move really quickly and it doesn’t automatically scroll for me, so I have to keep pushing down to get the latest posts. Not sure if it’s that way for others? I’m on my phone. It’s annoying and makes it harder to keep up.


its really windy here today. Sure hope it settles down for tomorrow’s market. There’s no way it could go ahead like this. 

D is at her father’s today and I went to the shops this morning. Stocked up on frames. Came home and did some art…. Did a few new ones today, there are a couple I’m not sure about though. 










@tyme @Jynx @Snowie @Captain24 

Re: My Mosaic

Wow @Bow 

Just when I think I've seen it all, you amaze me with even more works of art. They are simply beautiful. I love the messages in each and every one.

I'm so glad you posted them, you should be so proud of yourself.

I would also love to know how you can write like that.


Never give it up hon, everyone should be exposed to your talent.

Re: My Mosaic

They are amazing @Bow. Your talent never ceases to amaze me.

I would buy them if I saw them. 

How do you go with the quotes? Do you

’listen’ to them or is it just art work? 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @Snowie @Captain24 


@Snowie  i download fonts and type up what I want to write and then copy them. My free style hand writing is crappy!


@Captain24  its just art to me. I don’t really listen to them. 

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow still copying the quotes is a skill within itself.


Deep down perhaps those quotes do mean something. You pick them for some reason, even though at the time they are just 'quotes'. Those quotes can easily be applied to others, yet when it comes to ourselves, we don't think they do....


Is D back yet?


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Just put all these minifigures together! Fingers are a bit sore now. 


im so over being sick. Coughing. My throat. Nose. Chest. Just over it.  😩

Re: My Mosaic

That’s a lot!!! @Bow 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah @Snowie  D is back. She is in her room playing. 

I guess I pick quotes that I like. That if I let them could have meaning for me I guess. Try to pick ones that others would like. 

I’ve just had my meds, some cough medicine and crawled into bed. Frustrated with this lingering sickness. Market tomorrow, gonna just set mum up and then come home I think. 

Re: My Mosaic

I think lots of people could relate to those quotes @Bow 


Hoping that you get some sleep tonight hon. Setting your mum up and coming home sounds like a good idea, especially in this cold weather. The last thing you want is to get even sicker.

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