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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Help in this moment @Jynx  with this pain medically. Well not now now. I’ll just deal

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

You do what you think is best @Bow - but I hope it's nothing so nasty you might need medical attention? 


Ach I wish I could help!! Would some distraction go down well, or are you not in the headspace for it atm?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah gonna need medical attention @Jynx  but it can wait til tomorrow I think. I seen my gp today and I really should of mentioned it then, but didn’t 😩


distraction from the pain would be helpful

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow of course! Hmm okay random topic or catching up about life stuff? 


Random topic could beeeee.... fav mythical animal? Or we could play that game, 'Don't even get me started' - like you can pick a topic, like rubber ducks, and I have to go on a big angry rant about it as though somehow I had been personally victimised by them 😝


But that could also take up a lot of brain power that I'm not sure either of us have? LOL


Life stuff question maybe.... Oh how's your crafting been going lately, are you making stuff to sell at market each week? You still do much painting along the way?


Anyway you can answer one or none or all of these, up to you 💜

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sorry @Jynx  no notification 


I seen an albino echidna today. It was heaps cute

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Ach I know @Bow it's frustrating - I've flagged it! 


OMG what?! That's sooooo special, wow! Like, out in the wild or did you go to the zoo? 

Re: My Mosaic

Good morning @Bow 

Hoping you got some medical attention hon.

Sending lots of 💗Hoping today goes ok for you


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Hey @Snowie  im tired and sore. But okish.  Been to get the groceries this morning and I have my arts and craft group at 11am. No medical attention. I don’t want to. Really fighting it. Sigh 


how are you today? 

notifications not working again 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

It was pretty cool @Jynx  we went to Symbio wild life park down near Wollongong yesterday. 

seen a lot of really cool animals. You often go to zoo type places and the animals are hiding in their boxes or what not and there is nothing to see. But we actually seen heaps. 2 tassie devils playing with a bottle and eating mice. The world’s smallest monkeys. And then these small orange fluffy monkeys. The tinniest of little turtles. A baby koala! The meerkats warms themselves in front of a heat lamp. Alpacas have such a beautiful face. Their big eyes and lashes and they are so soft! 
but I was most certainly glad to make the call at 2pm….. ok let’s go home! 🥱🥶 but dang that gift shop that you HAVE to walk through to exit the place! 😩

Re: My Mosaic

Notifications down for me too @Bow 

Hopefully they can get fixed soon.


Well done for getting to the supermarket hon. Big task at times.

Can you ring nurse on call if you don't want to go anywhere? Might be a bit of a compromise. Or even talk to your SW if they are around today. 


I'm ok, just another day.


I hope your arts and crafts group goes well for you.