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Welcome Ru-bee!

Hey Forumites!


Please welcome @Ru-bee , a fellow forums family member 🙂


You'll be seeing @Ru-bee around a little more.


Feel free to introduce yourselves so that @Ru-bee can get to know you all a little better


@Shaz51 @outlander @Zoe7 @ArraDreaming @ENKELI @NatureLover @Faith-and-Hope @Asgard @MermaidHair @OM108 @Snowie @Birdofparadise8 @Captain24 @Bow 


Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

Hello @Ru-bee nice to meet you!!
Can I be real cringe and suggest a 3 facts activity or something? 🫥

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

Hi @Ru-bee 

Nice to meet you. 

What's your favourite tv show or book? 

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

Hello and welcome @Ru-bee 😎

Tell us a little bit about yourself,  do you have any furbabies?


@Birdofparadise8 , @tyme , @ArraDreaming 

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

Thank you for the welcome @tyme !
I'm really happy to be here and looking forward to getting to know each of you over the next few weeks.

Great questions @ArraDreaming @Birdofparadise8 @Shaz51 I might cheat and combine my answers:

I'm always finding new top TV shows, favourite is probably The Office (such a good comfort show).

I have 2 cats Momo and Ollie.

And another fact about me is ... I've recently been getting really into knitting and have been dabbling in crochet as well, I love a good cozy activity.

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

Sounds good. 

Have you watched any doctor shows on TV? Or crime? @Ru-bee 

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

Hey @Ru-bee  nice to meet you! 

I like that you have 2 cats too! I have a ginger boy called Jaffa, and fluffy tabby boy that I was only suppose to foster but fell in love and couldn’t let go, so adopted him. His name is Groot. 

I love arts and craft and building Lego. 

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

How lovely @Bow , @Ru-bee 

Share some photos if you like to of your furbabies xx

I love doing jigsaw puzzles but have not done any for a few years 

My mum loved doing jigsaw puzzle 

@tyme , @ArraDreaming , @Snowie , @Oaktree 

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

@Birdofparadise8 I just started watching Bodkin which is a bit of a crime/dark comedy one and I've been enjoying it

Re: Welcome Ru-bee!

I hear you @Bow , I sometimes think about fostering but I don't know that I'd be able to give them up, and my two are a handful as it is


@Shaz51 here's a photo of the rascals1000003569.png