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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

That makes sense @Jynx. I sometimes watch the same movie. There is one that I cry in before it gets to the sad part. Cause I know it’s going to happen!! 


I haven’t asked anyone but I think I may have ADHD. 

I just decided to start a new Lego until my meds kick in

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 haha me too, I cry a lot during movies!! It can be a good little source of catharsis 😉


Oh true!! Well as you may know I am an open book when it comes to my ADHD, so if you wanna have a more detailed conversation about it let me know - or tag me over on the ADHD thread and we can chat about it with the gang over there. 


I'm heading off for the night, so I will bid you farewell for now. Hope the Lego makes your brain go 😍 and keeps you focused till bed time hehe. Chat soon, big hugs 🫂💜

Re: I can’t cope

There is something wrong with me. I had sleep meds 3 hrs ago and I’m still awake. When I was in hospital people who took this particular med were asleep within half an hour. 

I’m also feeling like I don’t belong. I have lost my confidence in talking to people. I can’t hold a conversation. I don’t know if it’s my headspace or if it’s just who I am and that’s why I’m alone and no one wants me. 

I really don’t want to do this life anymore when I don’t feel like I fit in anywhere. I have no family of my own as I was never good enough for anyone. I am alone and will die alone. Whether it’s soon or later in life. It’s not pity, it’s factual. I’m just that weird dog lady. 

I am safe. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24 

Sorry about last night. D got sick and then I fell asleep.


I'm sorry those feelings were around last night. I hope you were able to get some sleep eventually.

Wishing you a good day today hon 💕💕

Re: I can’t cope

All good @Snowie. Hope D is ok 



Re: I can’t cope

I have done the lawns today front and back. I also cleaned the kitchen. I took the car to a car wash and I’ve had a shower, washed my hair and have clean PJ’s on. 

I have done a heap of the Lego set I started. 

Im feeling really tired. The dogs are annoying me. I’m annoying me. 

Re: I can’t cope

"The dogs are annoying me. I'm annoying me." 


LOL. I totally hear you.


Guess what? I had two kids house sit with me last night. It was a disaster. I was so glad to hand them back....


It confirms my decision about not having my own kids @Captain24 - seriously


Sounds like you had a busy day. I started with such a cranky day because of the kids...

Re: I can’t cope

You have done so well doing things today @Captain24 ❤️

I only did the dishes and the washing clothes and that is it 

Time to do something relaxing xxx

Re: I can’t cope

I did the lawns today too @Captain24  and I really need to go have a shower and wash my hair, but I dread washing my hair cause so much of it falls out 😩

was going to do some Lego, but decided not to. 

Re: I can’t cope

It’s hard work @Bow even just finding the motivation to do it. Glad you managed to be able to do it. I have to have a shower as I’m allergic to the grass. 


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